Discover Cody's inspiring journey from chaos to hope through recovery at Springs Rescue Mission. Through the HOPE Program, he’s rebuilding relationships and preparing for a brighter future.
Over the past few months, we've seen guests move into permanent housing, men and women graduate addiction recovery programs, individuals in Bible studies make the choice to be baptized and hundreds of hungry neighbors enjoy a special Easter meal.
Winter is often the most difficult time of year for men and women struggling with homelessness, hunger and addiction. ... Despite those difficulties, the winter has been full of hope and opportunity for Springs Rescue Mission guests.
Not all of us are homeless or addicted to drugs, but we’ve all known some level of suffering.
From men and women graduating from addiction recovery programs to folks at the Mission starting a running club, it has been a busy couple of months.
The past two months have been quite busy at Springs Rescue Mission! Even though the Mission experienced our first outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we have seen hope shining through the darkest of times as guests celebrate the holidays, share their stories, and even make the decision to be baptized. We're also reflecting on the year in our 2020 Annual Impact Report. Thank you for loving bigger and helping our neighbors during this time!
Tyrone understands that working and acting as a productive member of society is important for his long-term recovery and sobriety.
Situated atop a small hill overlooking Springs Rescue Mission is a well-kept secret of the historic Mill Street neighborhood — a 15,000-square-foot community garden that was started in 2012 by a group of plant-loving neighbors.
Lori moved (with her son) to Colorado Springs to care for her ailing mother. But when her mom was placed in a nursing home last year, Lori lost her living arrangements and was dropped off at the Mission.
In 2019, Springs Rescue Mission celebrated the birth — and nurtured the growth — of its “Employment Partners” initiative.
December was a busy month at Springs Rescue Mission. We hosted our annual “Christmas for All” outreach meal while many shelter guests and Greenway Flats residents celebrated in their own ways. We saw folks graduate from jobs training courses and heard amazing stories of the ways people are breaking free from the cycles of homelessness, hunger and addiction in their lives.
The City of Colorado Springs and Springs Rescue Mission have partnered on a program called WorkCOS to employ homeless men and women working to find pathways out of homelessness.
Addiction led him to a prison of his mind, body and soul. But God brought him to the New Life Program at SRM, where he found redemption, hope and a career.
The cooks and chefs of Springs Rescue Mission -- Samaritan’s Kitchen and Mission Catering -- really hustle this time of year.
The annual census of people experiencing homelessness in our area has just been released, and the numbers are sobering.
"When they gave me the keys to my apartment I couldn't believe it. I cried for two days. My life will never be the same."