Guests, residents share hopes and resolutions for the New Year
What are your hopes, aspirations or resolutions for 2021?
Matt, NLP graduate
“To begin to trust the Lord with my finances and to give it all to Him. And I want to begin stepping out onto the streets and ministering to people.”
Jesus, Mission Inn resident
“I look forward to the virus getting under control and returning to normal life. Personally, I’m looking forward to bettering my life — getting my own apartment and my own car.”
Renno, NLP graduate
"I'm really just taking it one day at a time, but I plan to work, catch up on some movies, stay sober and be honest. I chair an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Saturday and I porter at St. Mary's every Sunday. Routine is keeping me alive."
John, shelter guest
“I’m looking forward to my sobriety and hopefully getting into sober living. I want to better my life and help others the best I can. and I want to be happy — I want to have peace.”
Bobby, NLP graduate
"I think a good one for me would be to be able to regulate my anxiety; not to let my anxiety regulate me."
Brian, NLP graduate
"I'm looking forward to being able to travel and see my children. It'll be nice just to be able to sit down in a restaurant again."
* Some of these photos have been changed to protect the anonymity of our guests.Subscribe to our blog to learn more about Springs Rescue Mission and the people we serve — people who have seen tough times but are committed to breaking the cycles of homelessness, hunger and addiction in their lives. We see stories of hope and transformation lived out every day, and we’d love to share them with you.